Ukraine page

The Department of the English Language for International Business was founded at the Faculty of Intertional Economic Relations, Ternopil Academy for National Economy on December 25, 1991.

The department maintains contacts with home and foreign institutions, renders methodological and practical assistance to the academy affiliations.

At the Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty learning English is of special attention, as most economic subjects here are taught by original English textbooks and the students attend lectures which are de-livered by professors from the USA, the Netherlands, Great Britain.

At this faculty, besides EFL/ESP courses, the department gives the special course "Business Communication" comprising such aspects as Presentation, Debating, Business Correspondence, Re-porting, etc.

Faculty staff

Навчальні плани і програми

Науково-дослідна і науково-методична робота

Навчальний план з англійської мови за етапами навчання

Література та відео-матеріали, які використовуються викладачами кафедри

Публікації кафедри